With a little less than nine weeks lead time, RADAR Creative produced an incredible 4-day incentive trip for Jafra Cosmetics International’s Hispanic market. The event, which brought 550 of Jafra’s top producing consultants and district directors to the Hilton Hawaiian Village on the island of Oahu, was a huge success with several Jafra executives calling it the best event they had ever attended.
RADAR was tasked with designing and producing the event on a grand scale: 4 dance numbers; 4 performing acts of entertainment; an 8 hour load-in into the second largest ballroom on the island; 3 different set looks; a gala awards banquet for 550 women; 8 videos to create in less than three weeks plus an on-site highlight video created in just under two days; more than 250 keynote slides; audio, video, lighting, staging, event photography, teleprompting and event logistics such as travel & lodging for a 13 person staff & crew. In addition to the above requirements, 40% of RADAR’s staff & crew had to be bilingual since the entire event was in Spanish.
On Thursday, arriving guests were greeted in the registration area by a mariachi band and real palm trees painted gold to represent Jafra’s 50th golden anniversary. The weekend’s agenda played on a plasma monitor featuring Jafra’s animated “mascot” Lulu who wore a grass hula skirt and welcomed guests as they checked in.
That evening, on the rooftop garden, guests experienced an authentic Hawaiian luau complete with dancers and Hawaiian music. Despite major delays at airports around the world (that morning was the foiled Heathrow terrorist plot which delayed flights for hours and even caused a few attendees to cancel their trip altogether), most of the guests arrived with little or no trouble. To kick off the evening, guitarist Rafael Lopez played an energetic and upbeat number that introduced vice president Melba Rios. President Dyan Lucero was brought out using a custom-designed scenic element designed by producer Steve Hand. Guests applauded as their RSM’s were introduced by region and then enjoyed their family-style dinner.

Friday morning featured an opening general session complete with an opening dance number, presentations from Jafra executives and several videos highlighting how Jafra is making a difference in the lives of women all over the world. The stage featured two giant fabric panels that were lit with color and provided a surface for Jafra logos to be projected. Upstage of that was a giant white cyc and 10 ½ by 14-foot rear projection screens that flanked the 40-foot stage complete with custom built stairs. The podiums were custom built as well and could be moved according to the session.
Once the session ended at noon, it was time to completely change the room over for the black tie gala awards banquet at seven o’clock that same evening. More than 550 chair covers and 55 table linens had to be put into place. More than 55 pin spots had to be positioned and the stage completely changed over. The cyc was moved further upstage, behind the 30-foot wide Venetian curtain that would later be used to reveal Jafra’s district directors (also known as Jafra’s “Ladies In Red”). Capiz shell chandeliers lined the sides of the stage and guests enjoyed music from Rafael Lopez, the mariachi band and Son Caribe as dancing followed the awards portion of the evening.
Saturday was a day off for the ladies and allowed RADAR’s production team time to change the room back to the Closing General Session look for Sunday morning. The closing session featured an emotionally-moving highlight video edited by Corey Yaktus and a closing dance number complete with confetti.